Wednesday, July 23, 2008

1. Color? >>black
2. Animal? >>cat
3. Flower? >>lilly
4. Food? >>fried rice, lots of chillies
5.Book? >>anything thats not lovey dovey or stupid
6.Author? >>too many to name
7.Movie? >>horror, thriller, comedy....
8.Actor/Actress? >> *stones* Gackt
9.Place? >>my bedroom
10.Car? >>Bugatti Veyron omfg

About yourself!
11. Gender? >>you'd think???
12. B-day? >>pass
13. Any siblings? >>yups
14. ^If any how many? >>just 2
15. Do you know what your first name means? >>uhhh does it matter?
16. Does your name (First or Middle) have a special meaning to either of your parents? >>*repeats question*
17. Does your username mean anything special? >>uhh tora means tiger, so.....
18. Can you swim? >>yeah, by standing on my feet
19. Can you sing? >>most of the time *cough cough*
20. Can you dance? >>if only people wouldn't laugh at me....

Current stuff!
21. Are you on summer break/on a break from work? >>i'm on a break from doing my history notes
22. What book are you reading? >>Bleak House by Charles Dickens
23. ^Do you like the book? >>i just read the introduction. so.....
24. What shirt are you wearing? >>t-shirt
25. Are you watching TV? >>i'm avoiding tee vee
26. Cell Phone Service (If you have a cell, if not why don’t you have one?) >>pass
27. Are you on other sites besides Solia? >>lots of em
28. ^What sites? >>like gaia(living dead), roliana, deviantart, friendster, myspace etc
29. Are you eating or drinking anything? >>you mean right now or during breakfast or lunch or dinner or...
30. ^ If yes what? If no, what do you want to drink/eat? >>you haven't answered me yet!!!

Do you like to…
31. Fly? Why or why not?(Airplane flying. >_>) >>no because i'm afraid of heights
32. Drive? Why or why not? >>no, because i don't have any license!!!!!
33. Run? Why or why not? >>yep, so where's the running track?
34. Swim? Why or why not? >>no, because i'll sink
35. Go to school? Why or why not? >>wtf kind of question is that????
36. Go to friend’s houses? Why or why not? >>only if they owe me something...
37. Chill at home? Why or why not? yep, because i love home
38. Go to amusement parks? Why or why not? >>nope, because i don't have any money
39. Going to the Zoo? Why or why not? >>*seconds answer*
40. Going to the aquarium? Why or why not? >>no, i have sea sickness...... (Aquaria~~~~)

What do you prefer?
41. Hot or cold? >>cold
42. The beach or the mountains? >>mountains
43. Taking pictures or getting pictures taken of you? >>taking em
44. Cooking or eating? >>cook
45. Reading or writing? >>both
46. Typing or hand written? >>both
47. TV or the computer? >>computer (duhhhhhh)
48. Explosions or Implosions? >>you'd think? *evil laugh*
49. Dogs or Cats? >>cats
50. The ocean or the pool? >>NONE
51. Day or Night? >>night
52. Rap or Rock? >>both

Do you…
53. Have a pet? >>nope
54. Have a car? >>nope
56. Have a spouse? >>uhhh
57. Have a Gaia? >>yep
58. Play Online games? >>nope
59. Role play? >>yep!
60. Draw? >>hell yeah!!!!!
61. Like shooting off fireworks? >>if there were any
62. Like your current life situation? >>HELL NO WHAT'D YOU THINK??!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *dies*

Have you ever…
63. Gone to a dance? >>nope
64. Liked a friend? >>i'm not a bi, so no
65. Kissed someone? >> ....
66. Kissed someone of the same sex? >> .....
67. Kissed someone of the opposite sex? >>yeah, in my dreams
68. Done drugs? >>is caffein considered as drugs?
69. Drank alcohol? >>hell no
70. Seen a ghost or thought you’ve seen a ghost? >>uhhh can't remember...
71. Ever been in a real haunted house? >>at the theme park
72. Wished to be supernatural? >>YEA BABY!!!! *zaps hackers with my superdupercool power-thingy*
73. Drawn your own character? >>yep
74. Written a story with all your own original characters? >>yep
75. Written a fanfiction? >>yep, but never got it published
76. Read a fanfiction? >>THATS MY HOBBY^^

Would you rather…
77. Die or live forever? >>live foreverrrrrhhhhhhhh *turns into vampire*
78. Watch a friend die or have a friend watch you die? >>ummm.....
79. Smell something incredible strong or taste something incredibly disgusting? >>smell, its better than putting it into your mouth... whatever it is
80. Go blind or go deaf? >>blind, i had enough of this world
81. Be blind since birth or become blind during life? >>since birth, i guess
82. Live a short life married or live a long life alone? >>long life alone. bwahahhahahah *dies*
83. Have a bunch of kids or only have one? >>just one is enough...
84. Drive a crappy car that lasts forever or Drive a really nice car that wrecks in one week? >>i'd rather have a bike^^

so yeah.....