SPRAINED MY ANKLE HOGAWDDDDDDD D: And how does it happen? I was walking down some stairs in front of the teachers' office when I had the intelligence to skip some steps while -not- looking at the stairs.. Felt my feet stepping on air, lost my balance followed by a crunching sound that made me go shiiii---
It was fucked up painful. No joke. Some 6 formers walked past but ignored me (assfuckers..) until my add maths teacher Cikgu Fara came to the rescue. Thanks to God for sending Ika and Ezz to help with my stuffs and limp me back to the car, its was embarrassing how heavy I am >////> Oh well. That's what I get for wishing to skip add maths class by being sick. My wish was granted tenfolds though ^^;
Sooooo dad took half-day, went to see doctor for check ups. X-ray didn't show any broken bones (dang..) so it was concluded that it was nothing more than just a normal ankle sprain followed by swelling and joint pain. In about 9.30pm the massage woman, Siti came to help matters. Had to admit she's good from the way my bones popped and strained (its been -years- since my last massage so that explains a lot). My ankle feels better now and I don't limp as much anymore :) She'll come again after a week to see if things got any worst.
AND I DON'T NEED TO GO TO SCHOOL UNTIL THURSDAY!!!!!!!!!111!!111 8D Unfortunately there'll be add maths class for 2 hours. Epic >.>
Today's video is not about music. I just love how the guy managed to synchronize his words with the kitty's mouth. CUTE XD
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