Sunday, May 18, 2008

hmm...a lot of things happened in the past few days. i wish i can type it all here. but as always i forgot what to write.

frist of all was the physics paper; damn hard. but at least i wrote something in the answer space. even if my answers are all wrong but i can get (at least) some marks for my workings. all the questions are alien to me coz i never seen anything like*that* before. or is it just my mind going blank at the last minute, i don't know...and i don't want to. *sigh* and last friday was ADD. MATHS!!!!!!!!! nothing else need be said because i'll know that i will fail...WHY SHOULDN'T I?????????? it was like having a bad dream while you're awake. whats worst, the question used something that has nothing to do with add maths i.e the area of a particular shepa and they asked us to write the answer as an integer....

ahhhhh stop i don't want to mess up my mind just worrying about this!!!!!

so next week would be english and bahasa paper 2, history paper 1, modern maths and biology. and i still haven't studied. perhaps i'm exited about the May holidays right after we finish our exam. my family is planning to go to Pahang to a relative's wedding, which will be on the 1st june. but we would depart a day earlier, to save energy (imagine driving straight to Pahang for about 6 hours and spent another 6 hours at the bride's house???). we would spend there for about 2 days then go to Pontian for a real family holiday, not a relative in sight and shop all day. actualy theres nothing much to see in Pontian except for my mom and grandma of course (they always have to buy something whenever we stopped at a duty-free site and in the end, forgot what they bought...). anyways it's the only time when we can be together as a real family and so, why wouldn't i look forward to it?

ouch!my tummy is hurting again...i'm quitting nescafe and right now i'm killing myself with cuppachino O.O

the only reason i do this is for Roliana! coz the only time when everyone would be online is around 11.30 pm to 8 am. so that practically meant that i need to stay up in order to play th RPs i joined and at the same time get more golds for my dream avatar. right now i am dedicated to this site coz (as i have said in last post) its much friendlier and i have real friends! not just some jacks who asked you to be their friend just to fill up their friends list. STUCK-UP SHOW-OFF JACKS!!!---and another thing..Roliana has thought me to be literate >D so now i can all i rant about anything in *long* paraghraphs and no one can get mad at me for ''typing so much and made it hard for other users to read''. besides, its a good practise for my english essays, which requires students to write stuffs from 300-350 words no less!!!! and the people in Roli don't like (very much) of semi-literates UNLIKE Gaia of course...u cn write leik this n nbdy'll gt mad at ya.

ok, i think that would be enough for tonight. right now i'm trying to piece together my art shop and find a good image hosting site for the masterpieces XP and oh yeah before i forgot check this little chat site i found. its a good way to pass the time and i almost spent 2 hours laughing at the responses from the artificial intelegence chat program called iGod^^ have fun repenting~~~~peace out >P