Wednesday, August 4, 2010


much had happened since the last blog entry that I wont bother to reenact them from start to finish. Suffice to say that things didn't turn out as I wanted them to be and to make story short, is currently sitting on the dining/study table of our hostel apartment in the (slightly retarded) newly developed area of Bandar Seri Alam, which was also a part of the Iskandar whatchamightcallit program to make Pasir Gudang a better industrial district. Not only transportation scarce, but the location of the housing area was a little too far from civilization that if we wanted to buy food, we either had to walk to the nearest shops (bout a km away I think, judging by the pain in my soles) or tapau from one of the warungs lined along the campus. Don't even mention about the people, I've been coped up too long to start judging them...

And I really really need to find more roleplay partners or risk dying of boredom despite the internet connection being so shitty 24/7 (cept when I'm at the campus. Sadly).

Might post more, but gotta rush off for a 4 hour class on co-curriculum fffffffffuk...